Amazon Water Technologies (Pvt.) Limited is a sales and service support company with a management having a experience of more than 40 years of Heavy and Light industries as well. Amazon is based at Karachi (Pakistan), a company in water treatment established in year -2018 has grown to become a significant service provider in the area of water treatment with a strong customer support. Amazon uses European ingredients to produce high quality chemicals.
Based on Japanese structured guidance, support and struggle Amazon Water Technologies maintaining a high level of efficiency to ensure continued customer satisfaction. Our premises include an office, lab and engineering support. Our specialized work takes us to all areas of South and North regions of Pakistan. As a multi-disciplinary water treatment company, we are uniquely positioned to offer expertise in several technical disciplines from the chemical proficiency of waste water treatment, open / closed circuit cooling water, boiler water treatment, R-O treatment, descaling cleaning products and filtration technology for all industries.
Service business
To develop “service business “and to provide customers, a speedy comprehensive solutions making full use of available technologies, Chemicals, products and services in industries.
Create value for customers such as “pursuit of safety,“ “productivity enhancement“ and “reduction of environmental impact.“.